Monday, October 27, 2008

Working with Boucle'

Have you ever wondered 'How in the world do you crochet with boucle' yarn?'. Boucle' is that nubby, highly textured yarn. Sometimes it has eyelashes but it's always hard to see. Holding it up to the window is helpful. Ripping it out is also hard, it's more like tug, rip, tug, rip. So the best way I have found to work with it, is to make sure you never have to rip! How do you do that? You place a marker in EVERY stitch. Yep. Invest in some markers my friends. It's the only way for me to insure accuracy when I am stitching with a highly textured yarn. Does this serve as a sneak peek? It could.... wink, wink

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