Monday, December 22, 2008

Chickee Angel

I promise to get back on topic with crochet tomorrow! This is the 3rd off-topic post I've done in a row (so unlike me) and I'm sorry for the digression from the topic. But, really, you have to see Chickee as an Angel in school Christmas Pageant. Isn't she gorgeous? I know I'm biased, but really.... I need to design many more patterns that she can model, because when she models it, it looks even better. And I think the world could use more patterns for girls 6-12 yrs. Don't you think?

I have several projects that I want to reveal to you....but I can't. I will, however, have some sneak peeks to show you before they all ship off Jan 2.

I found a copy of Crafts' n Things and what happened? Nothing! My design is not in there! I thought it would be in there, I was told it would be in there, but nope, not in there. Maybe I got the name of the magazine wrong. Maybe it got "bumped" for space issues. That happens sometimes. Did you know that some contracts will give you a "non-use fee" or "kill fee" if the project they contracted you for isn't used or is cancelled? Not all contracts will have this. Any "big" contract should have some kind of provision for this in it. I'm not worried about this particular project though, it will likely just get used some other time. So, maybe I'm not completely off topic after all.... really, my mind is never far from crochet! It's really kind of embarrassing really, my one-track mind...

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