Thursday, April 17, 2008

quotes. I must be destined for greatness haha

Albert Schweitzer:
Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.

I must be destined for greatness, because I love, love, love crochet. When I first started designing professionally, one of our friends asked me, "Won't crocheting for a business kill your love for it?" and I said, "nope, I love everything about it, and I don't even mind most of the business tasks". And it's still true. I remember as a kid I would play "office" where I would make up forms, and staple stuff and file stuff... of course my Mom was a secretary. Anyway, all that practice has come in handy, because I do indeed make forms, and staple stuff and file stuff.

Quick! Back to work, the Supervisor is watching!

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