There's not much going on in the 'day in the life' of this designer for today. Tasks that I do everyday are:
Check email
check Twitter
check Facebook
Get the kids ready for school.
Check Ravelry: Answer questions, respond to comments, moderate the group, send 'Thank yous' to those people who left messages.
Have breakfast.
Write here on the blog.
THEN, some days I go exercise and run errands. I usually take my boxes that need shipped on the way to Jazzercise.
Come home, check and respond to email. If there are tasks related to the CGOA Mentor program not everyday, but I'll take care of those. If I had to go to the post office or buy supplies for crochet, when I come home, I log those expenses on my Excel balance sheet and file the receipts.
Have Lunch
THEN, I likely get to start crocheting and writing. (note, this is often the first time of the day I get to crochet, unless I skip exercise!). I work solid until the kids come home, then it's a little more spotty.
This is a typical day in my life as a crochet designer. The variety comes in the types of emails I get, and what project I work on. The highlights of my work day are usually in the emails or the mailbox!
Have a great day!