These photos were taken on Tuesday, two days after the storm when the roads were drivable because trees that landed in the roads had mostly been moved by then. The storm was Sunday, power came back on at my house on Thursday night. My dear pal, Missy, didn't get power back until Sunday morning.... yesterday.... a week later. As you can see, the weather is beautiful. Go figure.
Let me see if I can think of something crochet to say. Apparently, Kim Werker, editor of Interweave Crochet took a road trip with a "trunk show" of the Fall issue items to a store called "Threadbear" in Michigan. Patrons of the store got to see ALL the items from the fall issue in person! Some lucky ones even got to TRY ON some of the garments from the issue! How cool is that! Had I known it was going to be so cool, I would have tried to organize a ROAD TRIP!!! what fun! Chelsea, from CrochetCollection commented that she got a photo of herself wearing my Driftwood Cap. I can't wait to see it! Chelsea also wrote an article that appears in this same issue. Very cool.
This bag book has 7 designs, available on Ravelry (and here at GoCrochet) any day now. This book includes designs by Pam Gillette, Margaret Hubert, Carrie Sullivan, Gwen Blakely-Kinsler, Noreen Crone-Findlay, Christy McMahon and Myra Wood. This says 'Volume 1', because there are MORE volumes coming! I have a bag in volume 2, and there is rumor of a third volume. Wow, crochet friends, you are seeing history in the making. You are seeing the industry changing right before your very eyes! Designers joining together for a mutually beneficial project getting designs to the consumer faster than ever. Fantastic.
The Captain and I took Chickee and Chief to Indianapolis this weekend for a quick trip to the Indianapolis Zoo and the Indianapolis Children's Museum. I have lots of crochet sightings and crochet inspiration to share with you! This is what's coming in the next several days!