Welcome to the first of my Mondays in June Guest writers... Susan Lowman!
Susan and I go way back... please give her a warm welcome...
What is it about crochet thread that makes some people
cringe? It’s really not that scary! Trust me! It really can be an enjoyable
process to create beautiful doilies or other items with cotton crochet thread.
If I can do it, anyone can! The process of making the stitches is identical to
crocheting with yarn. The only difference is smaller hooks and fiber. Yes, it can
take a little while to adjust your tension to be able to make your stitches
smaller. But once you do that, you’ll be off and running on some fabulous
projects with crochet thread (there are some “knock-your-socks-off” gorgeous
thread crochet projects to be found these days, too!).
After learning to crochet as a teenager back in the 70’s, I
quickly progressed to using crochet thread. Since I’m a frugal person by
nature, I love the fact that I can buy hundreds of yards of crochet thread for
just a few dollars. And with those hundreds of yards of crochet thread, I can
make quite a few projects, especially gifts for others. I love to give
crocheted gifts and when I use crochet thread to make them, it doesn’t break
the bank or my budget!
So what can you make with crochet thread besides doilies?
Well, you can make just about anything you want, such as bookmarks, coasters,
towel edgings, pins, wiggly crochet hot pads & coasters, Christmas
ornaments, lots of jewelry, garments and much more! The sky’s the limit! Yes,
you really can make garments with crochet thread, too! I made the jacket that I
wore in the video with 2 strands of size 10 cotton crochet thread and a
Japanese pattern! It’s one of my favorite crochet garments!
I had a blast preparing for and filming my Annie’s class
last year in Berne, IN in January, 2013. In my class, I demonstrate how to make
7 projects: 2 bookmarks, a filet coaster, towel edgings, a flower pin, a
necklace and earrings and a beginner’s doily. All of these projects make
wonderful gifts for others. And they’re really fun to make, too! You can see all
of the class projects here: http://www.anniescatalog.com/onlineclasses/detail.html?code=CBV01.
I also made symbol crochet charts for each of the 7 class projects
and explained how to read symbol crochet charts in the class. All of these
patterns and charts are yours when you sign up for my class. So if you love
reading and following symbol crochet charts, you’ll be right at home! And if
you’ve never followed a symbol crochet chart before, you may fall in love with
symbol crochet charts, just like I did many years ago!
Another thing I love about crocheting projects with thread,
especially projects for the home, is the fact that I don’t have to make them
fit! That’s a HUGE plus for those of us who have “gauge issues”, like me! If a
coaster comes out larger or smaller than the target size, will it really
matter? How about a bookmark or a set of crocheted jewelry? Heck, NO!
Obviously, the towel edging should be the correct length to fit the width of
the towel. But if it’s slightly taller, it really won’t matter! And unless you
have a specific size that your doily needs to be, it probably won’t make any
difference if it comes out a little larger or smaller, either.
Of course, I still crochet some garments and accessories,
too. Who doesn’t? But I keep coming back to crochet thread to make lovely, lacy
There are so many beautiful crochet techniques that are best
made in crochet thread because of the delicacy that can be achieved, such as
Irish Crochet, Filet Crochet and Bruges Lace, too. I’ve never regretted for one
day learning to crochet, especially with crochet thread!

If you’re already a “threadie” (a threadie is someone who
enjoys crocheting with thread), but you’ve never crocheted a doily before,
check out my Annie’s class called “Beginner’s First Doily” here: http://www.anniescatalog.com/onlineclasses/detail.html?code=CBV01A.
It’s a shorter class that will teach you how to make your first doily worked in
rounds, plus I will demonstrate how to weave in the ends. This is a special
class that costs just $4.95. And if you decide to take my “Crocheting With
Thread” class afterward, you’ll get $5.00 off the full-length class! With any
knit or crochet class purchase at Annie’s, they include a special class on
Crochet & Knit Blocking Techniques that will teach you how to block
garments, doilies, lace and more! And if you have any questions
while watching the class video, you can ask me, just as if we were face-to-face
in a classroom!
I hope you’ll give crocheting with thread a try! It will
open up a whole new world of crocheting possibilities to you that you’ve never
dreamed of (or have you?)!!!
Happy crocheting,
Susan Lowman
P.S. I’m giving away a free “Crocheting With Thread” class
to one lucky winner at the end of June. Come on over to my website to enter the
giveaway! Good luck everyone!
Ellen says...
Leave a comment here, on this post, and come back each week, leaving a new comment on each "Guest Writer's" post (3 chances to win here!). At the end of the month, I'll choose one winner at random who will win a FREE Annie's online class of your choosing. The comment needs to have your first name and some identifying bit of info, city, nickname, Ravelry name...