Friday, July 31, 2009
Floating Ripple CAL
The Floating Ripple Blanket pattern is still available on the right sidebar of this page, most of the way down. There is a "buy now" button and the cost is $5. Thanks!
Floating Ripple CAL

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Crocheting in Public

The above photo is Chickee with a friend's dog, Bella. It is for all you dog-lovers out there who have to endure endless photos of my cat.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
My work space and sneak peek
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sneak peek

Finally! A sneak peek that I'm allowed to share! The color scheme is really growing on me. I wasn't so sure as I was stitching, but when I photographed it in natural light, I thought, yeah!
It is a coral type color and a plum-purple color. Darn it, another one I'm going to have to make for myself...when I get the time. LOL. I crack myself up.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Julia Vaconsin blogs about design process
Julia Vaconsin, crochet and knit designer wrote an excellent blog post today about her design process, getting the idea from a sketch to a project. Here's the link to the post.
You need to check it out. Julia has had multiple excellent designs shown in Interweave Crochet the past two years or so.
I have 4 boxes stacked here to go to the post office today, one item on the blocking board, one pattern 90% written, and yarn for 2 projects sitting here next to the couch. Today, I expect the delivery person to bring yarn for at least 2 more projects. More swatching yarn for the book should be arriving Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Thanks Julia, for writing such an excellent and relevant post that I can take this morning off!
:) Hi new followers!
You need to check it out. Julia has had multiple excellent designs shown in Interweave Crochet the past two years or so.
I have 4 boxes stacked here to go to the post office today, one item on the blocking board, one pattern 90% written, and yarn for 2 projects sitting here next to the couch. Today, I expect the delivery person to bring yarn for at least 2 more projects. More swatching yarn for the book should be arriving Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Thanks Julia, for writing such an excellent and relevant post that I can take this morning off!
:) Hi new followers!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Decisions, decisions
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
100+ and Quotes for Success

I have hit a personal milestone. I was leafing through my "sold binder" the other day, where I keep track of what sold, who bought it, where it ended up, how much and if I got paid, etc. I also keep photos of each project there. I started counting. Over 100 patterns! What a thrill. Unfortunately, you haven't seen them all, because some of them never got published or went to print (that I'm aware of). A few were on display at yarn industry conferences or the yarn was discontinued so it never got used.
A quote for you from the Motivations calendar:
Perseverance "Barely hanging on and ahead by a mile both mean that you're in the game."
On an unrelated note, above is a photo of how much yarn can be sucked up by a vacuum cleaner after 1, 2, 3 aaaggghhhh! seconds. 18 yards.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Quotes for Success

I'm trying hard to get back to crochet. I crocheted most of the day yesterday and made good progress on one project. It seems lately that all the projects I'm being hired for all have multiple pieces... matching hat, coordinating handbag etc. So it's really like double the amount of projects.
Here's a quote for you from the Motivations Calendar
Opportunity "If you want to stand out from the crowd, make your own opportunities"
Susan asked about Dollywood. There is plenty to do at Dollywood for people of all ages. Yes, there are plenty of rides and games for the kids. (All the games cost extra, per game $2-$5). For the adults there were multiple music shows and concerts, a bird show and lots of shopping. The shopping was everything from the typical souvenir stuff to handcrafted leather goods. We really didn't shop much at all, but there were many, many shops. The authentic coal-burning train was a hit with our family, even with getting sprinkled with coal dust along the way. We had a two-day pass, but felt we didn't need the second day. Dollywood also has a separate park that is a water park. It looked fun, but we were too sun soaked by then and were ready for some shade. Traffic in Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg this time of year is terrible. Apparently this is the worst time of year for traffic. Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg are connected by a trolley system though, that makes it a little better. In the two cities, you can find every type of kids games like miniature golf, go-carts, rides and every kind of show like: magic, music, Dixie Stampede, Country bears, family comedy, and every kind of museum like: Elvis, vehicles, Ripley's Believe it or not, Wax museum, the Aquarium (which we did), and many more.
Above is another photo from Dollywood. There was a Chapel in the park and this is one of the multiple quilted Religious scenes that were hanging there.
Monday, July 20, 2009
We're Back!
Thanks for putting up with all the off-topic posts, we've been on vacation! So now, you have to put up with vacation photos, and hopefully we'll get back to talking crochet when I get the laundry finished and the fridge re-stocked.
Thanks for all the comments and new followers that arrived while I was away. What a nice 'welcome home'.
The photos are not in order, that's just a little too much organization for today.
Yes, we went to Dollywood and my tendency to absorb the accents of others has had me saying y'all and y'hear all the way home. The people at Dollywood and the surrounding businesses were very, very nice. So nice that it is worth mentioning.

But one of the most amazing things I found on the trip... you are not going to believe this... I found a lost child. We were on the beach and I looked up and found a 4 y.o. boy crying walking on the beach. We learned later that he was more than 2 miles away from his parents. He was so upset he couldn't even tell me his name and I wasn't sure if he even spoke English. Poor kid. Apparently he had been missing for more than an hour! Luckily all the lifeguards have radios and our lifeguard radioed around until we found the parents.
Not much crochet happened while on the trip, but I did get a little done. I see some 'all-nighters' in my future...
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Summer Fun
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Chickee gets Jonas bros tix
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Gallery Page

Check out my new Gallery Page! All my published and self-published patterns with links for the ones that are for sale! It's so nice to have them all in one spot! I'll post the link in the sidebar soon if I haven't done it already.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
YouTube Video of TNNA Fashion Show
Actually, it's several little videos because there were somewhere around 100 items in the show. Take a look!
Actually, it's several little videos because there were somewhere around 100 items in the show. Take a look!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Secret Weapon

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
City of Thieves by Dan Benioff
Written from the point of view of a teenage Russian boy during WWII, this story was almost bizarre. The young boy is taken into custody of the Russian police and offered his release if he is able to complete one task: Find 2 dozen eggs and return them to the commander within a week. The seemingly pointless task must be a comment on the pointlessness of war? Anyway, I was curious how it would end and I did indeed finish it, but I found myself skimming at times (especially the graphic war parts) looking to "get on with it."
Gardens of Water by Alan Drew
Again, not a light-hearted read. This story is set in Turkey during and after a catastrophic earthquake. The story then is about a family struggling to cope with the aftermath and a group of American relief workers who are there to help. It challenges the concepts of East meeting West and what role religion plays in relief. The characters struggle to relate to one another with the cultural issues when humanity issues arise. It was intriguing and well written but somewhat grim and left many philosophical questions lingering in the air.
Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
Who would have thought that the world of the Geisha in the lifetime of the 1920's to 1950's would be so interesting? I didn't. This work of fiction is so completely mesmerizing it is hard to remember that it is fiction and not a true story. I know that I am really enjoying a book when it interferes with my crochet. This book did. I had to just read it as fast as I could so that I could get back to work more quickly. I was worried that the book would read too much like a history lesson, but really this was more like a conversation with an extraordinary woman. It takes you through the transformation of child to adult, through her lessons to become a geisha and all that it entails. It was much more elegantly depicted than I expected for the topic. Excellent.
Mr. Muo's travelling couch by Dai Sijie
Ok, I tried. I read two chapters. I pulled this book off the "Librarian's choice" shelf at the library. I thought, hey, it's about a psychoanalyst, maybe I'll find this interesting, given my former profession as a mental health counselor. Nope. It was too scattered for me. I didn't finish it. Maybe you'll like it, but it didn't engage me. Off to read something else.
Christmas Sweater by Glenn Beck
What a tear-jerker. It was a great book, easy to read, short and quick but Oh my goodness, I had to put it down several times to compose myself. My friends, if you have any issues with grief at all (and who doesn't?) this book will force you to heal just a little bit more. Reading it was the kind of pain that's like putting a dislocated bone back where it belongs. You know it's going to hurt, but you know it needs to be done, and in doing it, you'll feel better in the long run.
Written from the point of view of a teenage Russian boy during WWII, this story was almost bizarre. The young boy is taken into custody of the Russian police and offered his release if he is able to complete one task: Find 2 dozen eggs and return them to the commander within a week. The seemingly pointless task must be a comment on the pointlessness of war? Anyway, I was curious how it would end and I did indeed finish it, but I found myself skimming at times (especially the graphic war parts) looking to "get on with it."
Gardens of Water by Alan Drew
Again, not a light-hearted read. This story is set in Turkey during and after a catastrophic earthquake. The story then is about a family struggling to cope with the aftermath and a group of American relief workers who are there to help. It challenges the concepts of East meeting West and what role religion plays in relief. The characters struggle to relate to one another with the cultural issues when humanity issues arise. It was intriguing and well written but somewhat grim and left many philosophical questions lingering in the air.
Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden
Who would have thought that the world of the Geisha in the lifetime of the 1920's to 1950's would be so interesting? I didn't. This work of fiction is so completely mesmerizing it is hard to remember that it is fiction and not a true story. I know that I am really enjoying a book when it interferes with my crochet. This book did. I had to just read it as fast as I could so that I could get back to work more quickly. I was worried that the book would read too much like a history lesson, but really this was more like a conversation with an extraordinary woman. It takes you through the transformation of child to adult, through her lessons to become a geisha and all that it entails. It was much more elegantly depicted than I expected for the topic. Excellent.
Mr. Muo's travelling couch by Dai Sijie
Ok, I tried. I read two chapters. I pulled this book off the "Librarian's choice" shelf at the library. I thought, hey, it's about a psychoanalyst, maybe I'll find this interesting, given my former profession as a mental health counselor. Nope. It was too scattered for me. I didn't finish it. Maybe you'll like it, but it didn't engage me. Off to read something else.
Christmas Sweater by Glenn Beck
What a tear-jerker. It was a great book, easy to read, short and quick but Oh my goodness, I had to put it down several times to compose myself. My friends, if you have any issues with grief at all (and who doesn't?) this book will force you to heal just a little bit more. Reading it was the kind of pain that's like putting a dislocated bone back where it belongs. You know it's going to hurt, but you know it needs to be done, and in doing it, you'll feel better in the long run.
Friday, July 10, 2009

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Chief's First Race

Here's Chief on the blocks in his first ever swim meet. He didn't even have the uniform suit yet. We missed the first few weeks of the season because they didn't decide to join until late. Tonight is the last swim meet. I have a little 2 minute video of Chief in a race, I wonder if I can figure out how to post it. Too funny.
I can't tell you what I'm making these days, but all manner of buttons and clasps and straps are being utilized.
Some good sites for hardware are:
The Leisure Boutique
Bella Knitting (I've never used this site)
All Craft Supplies (I've never used this site)
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Chief's Sculpture

Me, I'm pretty busy. I've been getting information ready for the Professional Development Day at CGOA's National Conference which is in Buffalo, NY in August. I'm preparing some basic information about the Mentor program which will be going out to all the participants. I've been sending out submissions and writing patterns. I just stitched an item the other day that I simply must make for myself! Oh how I wish I could get the items back after I sell them! The buyer could even keep it for a year to show it off, take it to shows, etc. Then, I'd love to have certain items back. Some buyers give items back, but not all.
What else have I been up to? I've been working on the book in between deadlines. We'll see how well it is working to write a book and try to maintain my usual projects at the same time. I think it will eventually come to a 'crunch time' when I won't be able to take any new projects unless I get some help. If only Chickee were more interested in helping out with the family business!
90% of what I am doing for the book right now is swatching and writing from swatches. I'm also working on the actual writing at times. I find that I write better in front of the computer, and since Chief tries to monopolize it and Captain gets it most evenings, I'm afraid much of the writing will either have to be done by hand or will wait until Chief and Chickee are back in school.
Have a great day!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Floating Ripple CAL

How do I send a photo? Therese asks.
1. you can email me at ellen at sign (@) gocrochet dot com and attach it. Size it down to 400 dpi (if you know how). If you don't know how, it's ok.
2. post a comment with a link to your flikr page or your Ravelry page or your blog where it is posted and I'll grab it from you.
I'll take your photo and write "stitched by ...." on it and post it.
Hi new followers! Thank you for joining us. The photo of this fuzzy guy is from the Thanksgiving Day petting zoo and parade last year. We call him "big-eyed bunny".
Monday, July 6, 2009
Sneak Peek
Friday, July 3, 2009
Cafe Press T-shirts!

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Goals! (Charlie groans)

Unfortunately, what I am not organized about is all my swatches/drawings/notes. Their everywhere. I haven't found a system that I am comfortable with yet.
Now, back to work!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Busy day

Today has already been off to a busy start. I sent out 4 project submission proposals, took Chickee and Chief to swim team practice, and dropped Chickee at a friend's for a play date. Now for a super quick lunch and Chief and I will head to the library. I'm delivering a box of donation yarn to a local church's Prayer Shawl group. Hopefully, I will get to some serious swatching... at least 3 solid contenders for a project and get them photographed and emailed by 5:00.
Chickee won 4 more ribbons last night at the swim meet including a couple second and third place. Chief won a Third place for his one race. He told everyone that he "came in first in my lane!" Too cute.
The photo is Chickee swimming in a race and Captain (straight from work) cheering her on. Captain was a talented swimmer in his earlier years and is thrilled that Chickee shows some talent too.
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