My current obsession is: Alpaca yarn
My current goal is: to meet all my deadlines!
My current favorite project I’ve done this year: I tend to 'love the one I'm with'. That is the one I am currently working on is usually my favorite. Of the ones you have seen, I have a soft spot in my heart for the Brocade Afghan and the Sunny Spread. Though, actually, those are projects from previous years.... I don't know if I have any from this year that you know about yet...
My most recent finished project: Hmm, I can't really tell ya... let's just say that I liked it so much I found time to make one for myself...
My current casting-on-as-we-speak project: I'll tell you it's a garment...it will show up in print....
My current crocheter of inspiration: That's hard because I admire the vision of so many others, but I'm really more inspired by stitches than I am by people.
I get a crocheter's high from: When my gauge is "pretty". That is, it is evenly divisible by 4. I also get a "high" when I receive a check, when I receive my designers' copy of the publication, and when I finish a project with less than one skein of yarn leftover, when I finish a project in time to send it parcel post...
I learned to crochet: from my Great Tanta Margaret, who lived next door when I was young and from my Mom who reminded me later.
My current number of un-finished projects on needles: 5, not counting the abandoned ones...