Basic Broomstick Lace. I think I was 12 or so, when my Mom made this one for me. I chose the colors, and she put it together. I think it was her second broomstick lace attempt, but I can't be sure. I remember my Mom crocheting, but she was also a beginner knitter and she liked candlewicking. There were a few half made embroidery projects around at various times in our lives. Between her and my Tanta Margaret (aunt), who lived next door, they taught me to crochet probably around 9. Anyway, the point is, I got this afghan out the other day. My Mom died almost 11 years ago and I was thinking how cool it is that I still have this, knowing that it was
made just for me. And every inch of that yarn pulled through her fingers as she made it, just as the yarns for my kids' afghans have passed through my fingers as I dream dreams for them.
1 comment:
You had nice taste for colors even at 11! I have a quilt my grandmother made for me. We picked out the pattern and fabric together then she made it. She put a little personalization on it - an embroidered message with a forget-me-not flower. (Trust me, she was a very unforgettable woman.) I also feel closer to her with my quilt around. I keep it on the bed in my crafting room and sometime I block my larger pieces on it. Thanks for inspiring me to make a long overdue afghan for my Knight!
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