Friday, August 10, 2012

Photo Friday: A new Trend?

This is the kind of detailed photos that are in my new book, Learn Bruges Lace. And let me show you another project from the book...

The Bruges Toddler Hat (in Caron Spa)

Not in the book, but other appearances of Bruges Lace...
 Oh! And look, my Bruges Beret on the cover of Brett's new book... Clever Crocheted Accessories ... (coming soon).

 Oh! And look, my Bruges Wintergreen Cowl in Interweave's e-book A Snowflake Story ...

Oh! And look, my Bruges Lace skirts in the Spring 2012 Issue of Interweave Crochet...

Noticing a Trend?  LOL

1 comment:

Norah said...

I really love the look of those. Bruges Lace is on my list of methods I want to learn.