Thursday, September 30, 2010
Interweave Crochet: Accessories Issue
Interweave Crochet has a new special issue: The Accessories issue available for Pre-order. The Table of Contents show about 40 projects. I have 2 inside! They are both brand-new, never seen patterns. You did, however, see the sneak peeks....
I can't wait to see it!
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Give me a few more days.
I'll get back to posting as soon as I can. Life got a little complicated. All is well. I am working diligently on the book edit. That has to be my #1 focus until it's done. Don't forget your Tunisian Scarf! If you have one done, (or more) LEAVE A COMMENT here and if you are donating one of the scarves, let me know! Everyone who has completed a scarf will get their name in a drawing for a prize.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
Frankenstein revealed

Thursday, September 23, 2010
Fishing Hat Revealed!

Annie's Attic/DRG publishing has a new book out, Oh Baby! My contribution is a little Baby Fishing Hat. See this pattern and 38 more in this hardbound covered spiral book. The bottom photo in the lighter kahki and blue is the one pictured in the book.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Snuggly Blanket Revealed

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Tunisian Patina Scarf, CAL:Tunisian

Here are some photos of the scarves our friends are making! Above is the scarf Kimb0 made for her niece! Beautiful!
Cookie is making this one:

Fracksmom is making this one:

Knotnut is making this one:

HappyHooker32 is making this one:

Kimb0 made this one

jam 52 made this one,,,
Monday, September 20, 2010
Catching up

Ok, I'm rambling. I'm just stalling. The next edit on the BOOK is this week and it is due to arrive on my doorstep any MINUTE. Also, the final photoshoot for the BOOK is going on RIGHT NOW. Woohoo. Crazy. Also, I've been waiting for a few reveals that I thought would happen last week, perhaps this week.
Tomorrow, we'll talk about the Tunisian CAL.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Tunsian: HOOKS!
I need any and all opinions about all styles and brands of Tunisian hooks! I'll read ALL comments about all brands, but I won't publish anything negative, so don't mention brand names in your comment. If you want me to know the good and bad stuff about specific brands, go ahead and email me your thoughts to: Ellen at GoCrochet dot com put "Tunisian hooks" or something in the subject line so that I don't think it's spam. Thanks!
Recognize this girl?

Doris Chan has an exciting new pattern line for girls! DJC Designs, Too! The first pattern, Birthday Girl skirt, is up and is modeled by... Chickee! She loved the skirt and your little girls will too... and many of us not so little girls... yes, I got to try one on too.

Check out more patterns by Doris Chan here, which are hosted by Vashti Braha.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Chicken video
I'm working, really I am... but I'm busy, so I'll leave you with this video of flying chickens in our backyard. Enjoy.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Gratuitous Cat photo

Today, as yesterday, I'm on a design binge. Trying to design and swatch and sketch as much as possible since I have a few days without a deadline. Then, lots of deadlines coming up... 6? What do you want? What projects do you desperately need me to design? I'll take requests while I've got my pencils and sketch books out.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
CAL Tunisian Scarf: Blocking

Kimb0 on Ravelry made her scarf in a silk/wool blend yarn, she asked, "Since it’s so long, can I double it up to do this step? I’m headed to my dad’s for the rest of the weekend, and was thinking I could pin it to a couple of towels laid across the washer/dryer, but it’s way too long to lay out in a single layer."
My reply: To block your silk/wool blend, I would pin it down to the right dimensions, stretching it as much as you want to show off the openness. then squirt it with water until it is very wet, near saturated, and let it dry. If you can’t pin it to towels on a floor or bed, then you can double the scarf, but make it shaped like a “V” so that it is not resting on itself. The keys to blocking wool is to use only cool (not hot) water and try not to handle it much or let it rub against itself much…. you don’t want it to felt.
Chickee caught a butterfly! It almost doesn't look real. Unfortunately, I think it was easy to catch and sat so still because it was injured.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Curlicue Belt Revealed!

Crochet! Magazine presents Celebrate the Season with great gifts for all. 40 patterns! I have the Curlicue Belt in the issue, and here is our Niece modeling it for me.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Tunisian Patina Scarf, CAL:Tunisian
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Ammonite Scarf Swatches

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Sneak Peek, CAL Tunisian Scarf

It feels like it has been a while since I've given you a sneak peek... here's an easy one!
How's everyone's Tunisian Patina Scarf coming along? The discussion has been a little more active on the Ravelry group. Some of the participants have already been wondering about how to block the scarf, so we'll definitely be talking about that soon!
Everyone who finishes their scarf by the end of September will get their name in a drawing for a prize. Everyone who finished in September PLUS everyone who is finished by the end of October, will get their name in a drawing for another prize at the end of October. If you pledge that at least one scarf will go to Dee's 60 scarves in 60 days Challenge for Charity, you'll get your name in the September drawing a second time. Send me photographic proof by posting a photo on Ravelry (let me know!) or send me a flickr or photobucket link to my email address in the right sidebar.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Crochet Today Must Have Gifts

One of my favorite patterns has made it into Crochet Today's Special Issue: Must-Have Gifts.
Look how young Chief looks! I love this pattern because I did a great job with the increasing and decreasing! It has a nice "V" neckline and the edges at the bottom are rounded. I can totally see this in girl colors too, maybe make it shorter into a bolero, leave it open. Very cute. This special issue is on newsstands now.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Ammonite Scarf Reveal

Friday, September 3, 2010
Sneak Peek
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Layout Galley
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Tunisian Crochet: Counting Rows

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