Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Broomstick and a chicken vacation?

 I've been playing with Broomstick lace!  Have you tried it? It's really fun and there are so many great ways to modify it!  I'm going to keep playing and see what happens.
 Chief and Chickee brought 2 of the chickens up to the house for a "chicken vacation".  They met Charlie who was stuck in this statue pose for a long while in confusion about the birds that are bigger than he.
Chief thought it was so funny he had to imitate Charlie's stance of fear!  Charlie soon broke out of his trance and ran to the door of the house to be let back in.


Miss Julep said...

This cracked me UP!! LOVE the photo of your son and the cat in the same pose!!!

Megan said...

I have never done Broomstick lace before, but it looks pretty!

Shell DeYoung Dunn said...

I've done broomstick lace before, but not in about 30 years -- I'd love to pick up the craft again and have been collecting patterns.
As for Charlie -- this really reminded me of the old Monty Python bit, "confuse-a-cat". Really made me laugh!