Friday, March 15, 2013

#NatCroMo National Crochet Month!

Another two stops today on the Tour Through Crochet Country organized by our friends at Crochetville.

The First of today's two stops is Kimberly McAlindin at Hooked On Knitting. But don't let her web name fool you, she is also an accomplished crochet designer (and so fun to hang out with)

Here I am with Kimberly in Reno this year at the Knit and Crochet Show (my blog post about it). (I guess it's time for me to retire that top! I think I have gotten my cost per wear ratio low enough by now!)

The second stop is Andee Graves at Mamas2Hands. You may remember that I recently did a review of Andee's new bookelet, "Texting Mitts".  Go Check out Andee's blog she has a little free pattern for you!

1 comment:

  1. Don't retire the top! I've never seen it before. I love it. Your Crochet friend, Tracy
