Friday, July 16, 2010

CGOA conference 2010 Part 5

I promise, I'm almost done with the conference photos. Above is me with Tech editor, designer, teacher Susan Lowman
With designer, Rebecca Velasquez...remember her name, folks.
Karen Whooley and me after her Top-Down Raglan sweaters class. Thanks, Karen!
Kristin Omdahl signing her new book, Crochet So Fine.
A meeting of the minds... lunch! From left front... me, Tammy Hildebrand, Carol Alexander (editor of Crochet Magazine), Kimberly McAlindin, Brooklyn Yvonne, and Melissa.

Tomorrow... A Special Saturday installment of GoCrochet... A review of Shannon Okey's new book, the Knigrrl's Guide to Professional Knitwear Design.


  1. I love seeing all your pictures of the conference. I know it was a blast and I enjoy reading about it. Thanks!

  2. You are the most dedicated blogger! Great job. I love seeing all the pictures! It was so wonderful to spend time with you. I can NOT wait until the next one!

  3. I love all of the conference pictures. I wish I had known about it sooner. My girlfriend lives not far from Manchester. Dang! I love the 'halter top.' Your blog is a hit with me. Thanks so much for sharing. Blessings, Janet
