Thursday, July 15, 2010

CGOA conference 2010 Part 4

Me with the legendary author and free-form Master, Margaret Hubert. I was thrilled to model her prize winning piece in the Fashion Show Saturday night.
My other roomie, Rebecca Velasquez and Margaret Hubert. I was thrilled to meet both of them. Rebecca has had designs published in Inside Crochet (in the UK), Petite Purls, and she had a design in the TNNA Fashion Show this past June for Bijou Basin Ranch.
Me with the showstopping Vashti Braha. Vashti designed the Tokyo Jacket among many other great things. She also had a prize winning shawl in the CGOA Design Contest with a gorgeous white Tunisian Mohair confection.

Professional Development Day was Wednesday. I took a class on how to measure your gauge for knitting accurately. As I suspected, I learned some things about knitting and added to my experience for crochet.
Thursday night is when all the winners of the CGOA Design Contest were announced. The top photo is of me with my entry, the "Make me blush Halter top". The entries were really phenomenal. Some of the entrants use the entire year to craft their projects for the contest. $5000. in prize money was awarded. More tomorrow!


  1. I love that halter. Is that pattern published somewhere, or due to be?

  2. Unfortunately the pattern has not been picked up yet by anyone. I'll need to decide if I want to pay a tech editor to then self-publish it.

    When I make a decision it will be posted here on the blog.
