Monday, November 13, 2017

Monday Motivation 230%

When the alarm clock rings at 4:30 in the morning for a 7 am race when it's cold and dark, it would be easy to hit snooze a couple of times. But really, it's much easier to "don't think, just go" first thing in the morning when I am still asleep and half conscious than convincing myself to exercise at say, 6 pm.

In the afternoon or evening there is plenty of time to talk myself out of doing things that get me to my goal. That's why, I know that if I don't exercise before noon, it gets less and less likely that it will actually happen.

Anyway, yesterday I got up at stupid o'clock, in the dark, in the cold, to go run 13.1 miles. At that point in the morning as we all congregate around the start line, you can hear people saying, "Why did I think this was a good idea?" and "This seemed like a good idea over the summer..." and "Why am I doing this again?".  But, at that point, the decision has already been made, so finishing is the only real option.

I guess my point is... don't talk yourself out of your goals. Don't think, just go. Show up at the start line. Be there. Get it done. Whatever your start line is.


Doesn't everyone plop down on the ground in a parking lot? #dontcareaboutdirt

Wow, 230% of my day's activities done before 10:30. That's kinda cool. 

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