Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Looking Back, Looking Forward

Looking back isn't always painful.

Today I worked on an interview piece that will be coming out in early October. (I'll link it when it's live!) The interviewer asked questions about projects that I'm proud of and it pushed me down the rabbit hole of my over 300 projects, the books, the classes, etc. I spent some time reading the reviews of my 6 (one more on the way!) Annie's Online Classes and it was like a balm to my soul. People took the time out of their day to say such nice things! You can read for yourself! So nice! Thank you!

Crochet is an amazing hobby (or career) because you can SEE the tangible result of your work. That doesn't happen for many professions. Our world is so virtual and vague that it's gratifying to work with something tangible and visual.

(Here's a look back at a favorite project sponsored by Red Heart, the Brocade Throw) A few people have even taken the challenge to create this monster and did great with it! One bite at a time, you can do it! 

For those of you who need more validation... here's a tip, see if it works for you.  For years I have kept an email folder and an actual paper folder that I call "The Smile File".  When someone sends me a compliment or a card or something meaningful, I keep it in the Smile File.  Then, on the bad days when it has become clear that a door has closed, or uncertainty hits, the Smile File is ready to reveal the truth of those moments. Kindness exists. Maybe start a smile file? Or send someone a note of kindess for them to tuck away in a smile file?

I won't spill about which projects and fibers I love the most, I should wait and let the interview reveal that. It's easy to look back so much that you run into a pole.  I can't wait to share with you the Looking Forward part.

I have some BEAUTIFUL (so pretty that I'm actually saying it out loud, not self-deprecating, not qualifying my work like I usually do, no 'if I had it to do over again...'. NO) I have some beautiful work that will be revealed in the coming months.  I'm seriously contemplating writing another book too. It's percolating.

In the meantime, I have another side project going on and I need to know what classes you would like to take and which teachers in the industry you would like to learn from IN PERSON... Comment here and let me know what is on your crochet bucket list.

1 comment:

  1. Garments, I'd like to make a sweater that fits. I've had classes at Lys and on-line. But I'm still not confident to tackle a pattern on my own. Socks would be another time I'd like to make more of. I'm planning on getting Rohn Strongs' newest sock book.
