Thursday, April 23, 2015

Blog Reading Evolution

Just a random thought about reading blogs... why do YOU read blogs? What are you looking for? Are you looking for something specific?

It seems that when people read blogs they are looking for:

1. Free patterns
2. Project Tutorials
3. Color Inspiration
4. Reviews of new books/products

Lately, I have been seeing blogs that make me laugh out loud. :)  I guess I want to be entertained these days! 

When you look at the above list... what are you looking for in a blog? Are there other things I should add to the list?


  1. I'm looking for all those things. I avoid blogs that blatantly try to sell things and "real people" blogs are the best.

  2. I look for fresh thinking and experimentation. So I'd enjoy a crochet tutorial for something I've never tried or heard of.

  3. love stories of knitting or crochet in real life. Yarn Harlot and Getting Stitched on the Farm are my must read everyday. love you cats, chickens, and kids.
    Dislike when they wonder into the selling mode.

