Monday, December 1, 2014


I just thought I'd share a bit about motivation that I have learned in the few years I've been running.

You find motivation on the road and at the gym, not on the couch. That is if you wait for motivation to come to you spontaneously it may not happen. BUT... if you just get started, get dressed, go outside, move for 20 steps, motivation will meet you there.

Also, music helps.  If I turn on my music while I'm getting dressed and getting laced up it's easier to actually go.  I can't tell you how many times I have put on my running clothes then sat in them for hours before missing my window of opportunity. I have not yet regretted going out for a run (even a slow, bad run) but I have regretted NOT going for a run.

Whether you want to get fit, accomplish a goal, complete a task... just get started. A year from now you will be wishing you had started a year ago. Why wait until January 1 to start?

Glorious rare sunshine and warmth in November two weeks ago.

1 comment:

  1. I find just getting started helps. I exercise indoors, but this morning didn't feel great. Decided wouldn't feel worse if I just got started. I was through my routine before long.
