Monday, December 8, 2014

Crochet Pattern Writing Tips

* Give clear information, extra even, just in case.  You can always delete information but tech editors can't manufacture information that you don't give them.  Add notes to yourself in the pattern. I even put in math problems so the TE can see how I arrived at a certain number or stitch count.

* Insert a photo WITH your attempt at a written description.  You can't just put in a photo and not write anything, but I DO sometimes include a photo to help enhance what I have written. The TE or buyer can take out the photo when it is no longer needed. 

* Give stitch counts for the first row or round then on every row/round that has changed.

* If you are doing something different from the norm, write it in your Pattern Notes section (and again within the pattern at the logical spot if it is really weird and needs extra help)

* Never say, "reverse shaping".  That just doesn't fly.  Matter of fact, patterns are getting more and more detailed rather than more intuitive.

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