Friday, September 5, 2014

Knit & Crochet Now

Oh where to begin?  I'm sad that it has been so long since I've visited my blog.  Right after the Knit & Crochet Show in Manchester, NH, I had a week-ish at home and then left for Detroit to tape Season 6 of the Knit and Crochet Now show! 

Then... The kids went away to camp, Chickee broke her arm, soccer started, school started, we had a death in the family :(  and now we are recovering and trying to get back to something that resembles 'normal'. 

In the midst of all of that, I've been trying to keep up with my running and I'm hoping I'll be ready to run the first ever Queen Bee Half Marathon in October.

Here's the fun part... some photos from my trip to Knit & Crochet Now!

Above, I grabbed this banner from the Knit and Crochet Now Newsletter because it has the only photos of Lena I could find!  On the left is me, Brett Bara, our host, Candi Jensen (executive producer) and Lena Skvagerson (associate producer).  Lena is so sweet, I talked more about her on my Crochet! magazine blog, Behind the Hook.  You can find that interview here. That's Lena in the middle photo. She has been designing both knit and crochet for years mostly with Drops Design before joining us at Annies. On the right photo is the lovely Jenny King, who is joined us as a guest for Season 6 along with the host, Brett.

Robyn Chachula is back for another season! It's always good to catch up with her and plan how she can help me in the magazine too!

Here I am curious about the project that Kristin Nicholas and Brett are about to discuss. Click on Kristin's name to take you to her blog to see her new book, Colorful Stitchery.

Drew Emborsky is BACK!  As you can see we harmoniously picked up where he left off a couple of seasons ago and we fell into step and were even color coordinated without even trying! I had with me... my All Shook Up Shawlette that I designed using Drew's yarn for my book, Go Crochet! Skillbuilder. If you can hang in there, Monday I'll post how USA residents can order signed copies of Skillbuilder from me directly. If you can't wait, get the book as softcover or digital version HERE.

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