Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day

In honor of Father's Day, here's our kids with my Dad, Grandpa Joe.  He is the king of corny jokes. He was a runner in High School, perhaps I got that from him. What I didn't get from him is his quick math brain and gardening skills.

And here's my Bonus dad, Grandpa Dave, with his wife, Grandma Glenda.

From Grandpa Dave, I gained an appreciation for old cars... (the first car I ever drove was his 1933 Chevy) and I learned that when you have to be at a hospital with a loved one, you take notes.

And here's my other Bonus dad, "Pappy". Pappy is Tom's Dad, here with Chief last year. From Pappy I learned that the gorgeous electric blue bird that I see occasionally is an Indigo Bunting, that men should sing in Church, and when offered ice cream, "Vanilla or chocolate" you should always answer, "a little of each".

Happy Fathers' Day!

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