Wednesday, August 14, 2013

The 'To-Do' List, a photo essay...

When I go to the Crochet Guild of America's conferences, the Knit and Crochet Shows, I come home with MONTHS worth of work. There are many ways to measure the "success" of a show. Who I got to hang out with, who I met, what I learned, what yarn and goodies I discovered. The bottom line though is.... Did I earn/contract out MORE than what I SPENT (on the trip).  The first year, no, back in 2006 the first one I went to I didn't come home with commitments that earned more than my travel expenses. After that though... it builds. Since then I have always brought home commitments and contacts that add up to more than what I spent. Sometimes it takes a few to several weeks after the trip to see it all shake-down. Sometimes the conversations I've had at the conferences lead to work later in the year as the conversation continues.

With that said, my to-do list is now making me feel like I'm up in a truck lift stranded without power....
(this actually happened to the Captain this summer, luckily, he was smart enough to bring his cell phone with him.)

And when the to-do list hits like a ton of bricks, I admit it makes me want to "hunker down" ....
(at Ft. Sumter in Charleston....)

When I look at my to-do list, I think I'd better get out the BIG GUNS....and look to my talents and assets to help get things done.

(Canons at Ft. Sumter)

and I'd better get my priorities in hand.... and work on the things that are due first... first.

(Cool hand chairs at the The Tides Hotel, Folly Beach, SC)

So, when I look at my to-do list, I often feel like hiding with a bag over my head...
But I know the only really solution is to peck away at the list little by little....

Make it a productive day everyone!

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