Now that I have a clean office I feel the need to reflect on the organization system I have. I'd love to hear how you all have your space organized.
My space has always been organized into sections but my drop and go lifestyle has created chaos over the top of the underlying system.
On my desk: Tool box, in-box for 'to-be-filed' paperwork, second monitor, and my laptop when I'm writing patterns. This is an old photo. The inspiration board had to move because Tom put in cabinets above my desk.
Over my desk: A shelf for HELP.... garment design templates, sizing charts, graph paper, tracing paper, articles on sizing. Another shelf of REFERENCE... stitch dictionaries and a basket of swatches that haven't been sold yet. A shelf for Office supplies that I don't want on my desk including color pencils, stapler, etc. In the other cabinet.... ONGOING BINDERS..... where I keep large books paperwork in one spot. I have a binder for the Knit and Crochet Now tv show, and binders for books THREE, FOUR, and FIVE. Also on that shelf is the style templates that I have for the yarn companies and magazines that I work for.
Behind me on the Bookshelf: The top shelf is the most recent year or two of all the crochet magazines, and the knit books clustered together. On the bottom shelf, all the knit books. Several books clustered together of garment design, then books on techniques, Tunisian, hairpin, then books that are my favorites, then a few vintage books that I never look at but keep for sentimental reasons.
Printers, modems, copy machine on the back wall. The Cabinet over the bookshelf is paper, ink, printer cartridges, labels, etc. Boring Stuff. There is very little yarn in the office, it's all in the closet.
Read about how I have organized my Design Studio with photos featured during my Tour Through Yarn Country blog post, March 31, 2013-scroll down just a bit: