Monday, April 22, 2013

Flame Scarf Revealed!

The stitch pattern... fun.
The yarn...gorgeous.
The project... The Flame Scarf in Margaret Hubert's new book, Runway Crochet 
Crocheted in Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sport in Gold Hill, the yarn is really great to work with.

It has excellent drape and feel.  

Don't forget! You have until 11:59pm tonight to enter to win a pattern from Rebecca Velasquez's new e-book "Crochet Book One".  (See last Tuesday's post for full info)

Also, I'm still looking for JoKaren, the winner of the Crocheting with Beads online class. JoKaren, tick tock, time is running out! Contact me by Friday to claim your prize.


  1. I will have to say, this scarf is so beautiful i clicked the link and ordered the book.

    I am making one of your hat patterns for a graduation present for a girl going east for college.

