Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Hope and Crochet

I've been thinking lately about the relationship between hope and CREATIVITY.  I'm not sure how the thought got started but back when I was a counselor, we used to discuss the hallmark of Depression is a lack of hope, and therefor, part of the fix is instilling hope.  THEN I was thinking that when treating depression, it is useful for people to be creative, nurture and find hope in art/gardening and creating. I even led a depression treatment group of women using both crochet and traditional therapy approaches. 

Anyway, so now I'm thinking that hope is necessary for CREATIVITY. Maybe.  I'm just thinking here. When you are creative, aren't you essentially hopeful that your efforts are useful, leading to something bigger, are evolving, will bring skill/experience/product? 

Are you following my circular thinking? LOL  SO, if you have a Creative BLOCK, the "cure" is to find hope.  I know when I am "stuck" I like to take classes.  Interesting semantics... I like to use the word "stuck" instead of "blocked".  To say I have "writer's BLOCK" implies that there is no way around it, and the block was put there without my doing.  But to say, "I'm stuck" makes me think that there is some wiggle room (I got stuck, so I can get 'un-stuck').  See... "stuck" implies hope. "Block" = less hope.

What does this mean for you? I don't know, maybe nothing. 

If you are a Spiritual person, you may want to read on....

Let's give the word "hope" a capital "H".   Let's assume for a moment that hope comes from God.  Inspiration, creativity and hope all come from God.   Yep, you guessed it, sometimes I pray for creativity. Why are we inspired to crochet the things we make? Hope for a new finished project, new skill, new accomplishment, creating something that wasn't there before, crocheting something functional... I don't really have a point.  I just think Crochet is a gift from God, and I feel Inspired to do it, so I Hope HE likes what I make.

Back to stitching. I HOPE my project turns out OK.


  1. I agree Ellen! I think that creativity is from God as well. I'll take it a step further even. I believe that God knows everything, and that I can't know something that He doesn't. So, I believe that God knows how to crochet, and that is why He can help me do it well.

  2. Re: 'I like to use the word "stuck" instead of "blocked". To say I have "writer's BLOCK" implies that there is no way around it, and the block was put there without my doing. But to say, "I'm stuck" makes me think that there is some wiggle room (I got stuck, so I can get 'un-stuck').'

    That reminds me of a Yogi Berra quote:
    “Slump ? I ain't in no slump. I just ain't hittin.”

    Reading his biography (and auto biography) a bunch of years ago, I was struck by how the Yankess, and Yogi especially, kept a positive attitude. The team was never in a "slump" and would do better the next day.
