Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Crocheting at the Doctor's office....

It's been a busy few days.

Chickee broke her foot on Thursday. Read tomorrow for the winner of the Texting Mitts book giveaway! 


  1. Oh no!! Hope she heals quickly as kids usually do. I wore one of those "lovely" boots back in November after spiral breaking a bone in my foot. NO fun!!!

  2. oh man! I feel her pain! That boot brings back memories!

  3. Poor darling! All the best with the temporary lifestyle adjustments and wishing a quick recovery.

    I can certainly relate to "crochet at the doctor's office!" but I would like to know who was doing the crochet - mother, daughter or both of you?

    It is a great way to pass the time. Now you have a great reason to get your daughter crocheting if she doesn't already!

    Crochet hooks and knitting needles are also good for getting into plaster casts to scratch that itch, (but don't tell the doctor!)

  4. Poor Darling! All the best with the temporary lifestyle adjustments and wishing a speedy recovery.

    I can relate to "crochet at the doctor's office but who was doing the crochet? Mother, daughter or both of you?"

    I get lot of work done while waiting for medical appointments. Crochet is the perfect way to pass the time.

    Always one to look for silver linings, may I suggest that this is the perfect opportunity to teach your daughter some new crochet skills (if she isn't already an accomplished crafter like her mother).

    Crochet hooks and knitting needles are also perfect for getting inside plaster casts to scratch that itch (but don't tell the doctor!)
