Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday, Monday...

It's a day of pattern writing.  I'm going to be strict with myself and say, "NO crocheting until these patterns are finished!"

But I may take some time to request some yarn for a secret new project.... 

Our kids want me to tell you about their blogs since they have a renewed interest in writing.

Chickee, age ten, writes at
Chickee would like me to tell you that she is 'totally awesome'. Which she is :)

Chief, age eight, writes at
Chief is a little more shy about his writing, but he's awesome too.


  1. Yay, I am glad they are back to blogging! Good luck with the pattern writing:-)

  2. How adorable of them! Knock those patterns out and reward yourself this evening for a good days work:)The writing up part is a pain sometimes.
