Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hexagon Thing CAL

It's up! It's ready, It's beautiful! Thanks to my tech editor and my stitch diagramist, it's really, really nice.

So what are you going to do with it?  LOL?  While some of you may choose little projects, some of you may choose bigger projects... If you have a hint for what you are making... leave a comment with a hint!  I'll start a poll that you can vote on your progess... also, as you progress, I think you are able to change your vote, right?  If you are on Ravelry, the project is up for you to make a project page.  If you are not on Ravelry and want me to post photos of your progress, you can send me photos. My email address is in the right sidebar of this page.  If you are on you can post a photo there.

$5.00 Hexagon Thing PDF

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