Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Crochet Today! The Ultimate Blanket Handbook

Crochet Today magazine has just put out a new blanket special issue available at retailers this month. It is a compilation issue of blankets that have been previously published, now in one handy spot! I have FOUR blanket designs in it! Find photos of all 28 patterns here, Ravelry link.  You can see one of my four in the upper right hand of the cover, the orange/blue/yellow Connect the Dots blanket.  (Does that count as "cover"?, LOL)  My other designs in the issue are the Let it Snow Winter Throw, the Snuggly Blanket, and, the Ballpark Blankie


  1. Oh, how exciting! I can't wait to get my hands on this book.

  2. Yippee! This is a definite must-have. It's awesome you have so many patterns in it. Congrats!
