Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Guest Blogger: Renee Barnes

Hey Ya'll! No, this is not's me, Renee' Barnes (aka Crochet Renee')! My pal Ellen has allowed me to hijack her blog today to share some news with everyone. Thanks, Ellen!

First of all, have you subscribed to my new online TV show, Crochet Renee' TV? No? Why not? On Crochet Renee' TV, you'll find instructional videos, interviews with celebrity crochet (and knit) pros, including designers, yarn manufacturers, indie artists and other industry insiders. If that's not enough, we also sponsor giveaways for great prizes! What's not to love about that? And unlike regular TV, you don't have to wait for a show to come on at a particular time...Crochet Renee' TV is there whenever you're ready!!! That's right.....hurry on over by clicking the link and subscribe, so you too will be notified when new episodes are uploaded. Feel free to email me with suggestions of things you would like to see on Crochet Renee' TV as well. Sounding like an infomercial yet...?

But wait....there's more!

I am also taking this opportunity to throw out a teaser of my upcoming book, "Crochet Naturally!"

I don't have the release date firmed up yet; I am still in editing mode, but I am resolved that it will be this year! It MUST be this year!!! (Those of my friends out there who have written books will attest to the fact that editing is so. much. fun. NOT!) So if I am dragging my heels a bit, (because my hands are positively itching to make new things) I am sure you will forgive me. I actually suffer from NPSS (New Project Startitis Syndrome). I can't help it. I have no doubt that I have fellow sufferers out there. There is only one remedy (no cure) for NPSS, and that is to give in and start a new project. Sigh.

You can also keep up with me at, where you will also find links to my published works, my Reader's Gallery, tutorials and news releases about upcoming Crochet Renee' news. You can also contact me through my website with suggestions and ideas.
Thanks to everyone for giving me such positive feedback, and an extra special huge THANKS!!!!  to Ellen for giving me space for a little shameless self-promotion. You rock, Ellen!
Crochet Renee'


  1. Thanks Renee,
    Leaving to take a look at your TV....

  2. While I have been known to have many projects on the go at one time (and I have many more that I would like to start) I prefer to finish projects as I find that much more satisfying.

  3. Hi Renee! I am SO proud of my mentee, everyone! You have no idea, Renee, how happy I am that you have been so successful, and I can hardly wait to get your book :) I've see one of your TV videos, but subscribed just now. You inspire ME with your positiveness and enthusiasm. BTW, I also have that disease you were talking about! It's really frustrating, having SO many projects/designs in mind that I want to start. Sometimes I've said I am a schizophrenic when it comes to crochet designing! One of my best friends asked me once if I thought I would ever run out of ideas, and I told her "Are you kidding me? I have enough ideas for then next 100 years!" I'm sure you can relate!
