This swatch represents about 8 hours of work! You see that it is bound off.... of course I made a mistake while watching Chickee's volleyball game... I worked the wrong side row on the right side. I didn't know how to un-knit lace, so I just bound off in frustration and started over. I'm doing better on the second, third, fourth try. I have put in a life line and have moved my instructions to a card where I can mark rows off as they are completed. Still, I've been so busy with crochet deadlines that this little project has sat untouched for about a month!
On my hooks though, are a couple great projects with Spud & Chloe Fine, and a few projects using Red Heart products, several other projects on the schedule behind those!
We're on a 2-hour delay this morning, and I just heard a plow go by. I'm looking forward to some happily-stuck-in-the-house crocheting today!
I love the knitted lace -it takes so much longer than crochet doesn't it! I love your designs!