Monday, May 17, 2010

Whisper Wrap CAL and question

Does anyone have any progress to report on the Whisper Wrap Advanced Shawl CAL? Deadlines have gotten in the way of my progress and I'm stalled at about the 6" mark. I'm still hoping though, that I can get mine done in time to wear to the Knit and Crochet Show in Manchester, NH in July.

Here's Chief tough guy. Sigh. He fell off a chair and scraped his eye on Saturday. He is wearing his injuries as badges of honor.

I finished a couple of major projects that were obstacles to the book. Now, I have 2 smaller projects to do, then I can focus on the book, and only the book until the deadline. I am always juggling multiple projects... but when it comes to reading, I usually only read just one book at a time. What about you? Are you a monogamous crocheter? or do you share the love with multiple projects at a time?


  1. I am definitely not a monogomous crocheter. I tend to have a couple things going at a time. If I have a deadline (like right now) I try to focus on that one project until it's finished. But it's hard. I tend to stray :) Now when it comes to reading, it's one book at a time for me. I'll blaze my way through one to get to the next. I love to read. Lately, though, my crochet has been getting in the way! :)

  2. What a cutie - cast, scratches and all! I always have multiple projects going - one challenging, one with a semi-deadline, one mindless, one just for fun or self-design-ish. I guess I'm kind of an ADD crocheter - lol!! Have a great day! Congrats on finishing the big obstacles!
    :o) Haley
