Monday, March 22, 2010

Whisper Wrap CAL Update

I haven't received any questions on the Whisper Wrap, so I hope that means you all are doing well. I've made 4 rows so far! If you haven't already begun, now's the time! Feel free to give me an update or post a photo on your project page on Ravelry. The discussion on the 'GoCrochet with Ellen Gormley' group on Ravelry is that the first two rows are a little fiddly then it gets much easier and the pattern is memorize-able.

It's not too late to join in!
$5.00 for the PDF


  1. I'm on row 4 also :) It is going well. I think the pattern is super easy to memorize - I was able to watch tv and remember what I watched last night while working on it. I'll try to post a pic of my progress later today if I have time to refresh my memory about how to do that on Ravelry. Have a great day! Haley

  2. Hi Ellen, I started mine and have 3 or 4 rows done. The pictures with the pattern are great and I haven't had any problems getting started. Thanks!
