Monday, December 28, 2009

Classic Ripple Blankets Revealed!

I made these blankets for Debbie Stoller's new yarn line "Stitch Nation" 100% Natural 100% Affordable.

You may have heard me Tweet right before Christmas that I had gotten some new natural yarns! It was the promotional box for Debbie's Stitch Nation Yarn. This is what I received:

And there are my blankets in the promotional leaflet! The blankets are an easy ripple pattern made in the Bamboo Ewe yarn (wool and bamboo!). There is also "Full o'sheep" yarn and "Alpaca Love" all of which come in great bright colors. You are going to see many more of these yarns! As soon as I find out how you can get the pattern, I'll let you know.


  1. Nicely done. Saw your new hat in the new crochet magazine. Very pretty.

  2. What new hat, Ghost? Did you spot me somewhere I don't know about? It could happen!

  3. Thank You for the tip on the new yarn... I'll have to check that out!!!


  4. How exciting! I love ripples!! Great job!

  5. Love the blankets! Very nice and I'll be sure to check out the yarns.

  6. I actually bought the booklet for this pattern alone! Had no idea it was yours. Love your patterns.
