Monday, September 28, 2009

I've been RAK'd

In a big way. Someone sent me a Random Act of Kindness. You know I have Cory, the small dressform... Someone anonymously, sent me another dressform?! What!? Who?! It arrived Thursday out of the blue and there are no clues and no note. The packing slip didn't offer any information. I'm not sure what to make of this? Someone wants to encourage me to design more garments? Thank you, who ever you are!

I admit, I am very much a compliment junkie. Someone offers me a compliment, I'm pretty much your friend for life. And, all of you, blog readers, compliment me with your continued reading, comments and following. All of you on Ravelry who 'favorite' and 'queue' my work, all that is a huge compliment. The biggest compliment of all is when someone takes the time and resources to stitch one of my patterns. If you make something from one of my patterns, let me know! Let's post it!

Thank you.


  1. How awesome!! You are a wonderful person and deserve to be RAK-ed! Enjoy your new manni and I can't wait to see what all you dress her in!

    BTW, I too am a complement junkie! LOL!

  2. Wow! What a totally awesome RAK!!! GO CROCHET!!!

  3. bravo ! ce vĂȘtement est vraiment beau !

  4. I pasted dentelle85's comment in French into a French-English translator and it said:

    bravo! these clothes are really nice!

    I apologize if this is incorrect, I don't read French, but value Dentelle85's effort in commenting.

    Thank you!
