Sunday, August 30, 2009

Instead of Twittering....

Maybe I should just Tweet here on my blog? Anyway, if I were to Tweet right now, I'd say:

My microwave is so clean right now, I want to leave the door open so I can look at it all day.

Is that less than 140 characters? LOL.


  1. I'm envious! Want to come clean mine now? It's probably a wreck. Maybe later today I'll clean that puppy and can sit back to just look at mine too! ~LOL~

  2. I'm envious too! I'm next in line for a "special guest cleaning" LOL...

    Seriously, Gamerboy was just telling em that ours needed cleaning. Hmmm... does it occur to him (or his sister) that they use it more than me? I can't remember when I used it last!
