Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Busy day

Today has already been off to a busy start. I sent out 4 project submission proposals, took Chickee and Chief to swim team practice, and dropped Chickee at a friend's for a play date. Now for a super quick lunch and Chief and I will head to the library. I'm delivering a box of donation yarn to a local church's Prayer Shawl group. Hopefully, I will get to some serious swatching... at least 3 solid contenders for a project and get them photographed and emailed by 5:00.

Chickee won 4 more ribbons last night at the swim meet including a couple second and third place. Chief won a Third place for his one race. He told everyone that he "came in first in my lane!" Too cute.

The photo is Chickee swimming in a race and Captain (straight from work) cheering her on. Captain was a talented swimmer in his earlier years and is thrilled that Chickee shows some talent too.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats to your little swimmers!! What a wonderful sport to love! Hope ya'll have a great holiday weekend! My brother and his family will be joining us tonight from Atlanta. They are staying for the weekend - hope the weather holds out for our town fireworks!! Have a great day! --Haley
