Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Design Journey: Super Speedy Shrug

Here's the basic sketches for the shrug. In the lower sketch, I put in my shrug measurements. I decided to go with 2" of ease because I'll be wearing it over a close fitting dress. In the sleeve, I am putting 1" of ease. You can see the scribbles where I had to adjust the inches to reflect the stitch pattern. One repeat of the stitch pattern is about 2.5" square, so I couldn't get my projected measurements exactly. I got the numbers from my own body and the ASTM charts (that you have to buy).
I chose the Crabapple Louet Gems, chunky because it called to me more than the other yarns. It's a great yarn, but I really don't have a reason for choosing it over the others except that's what I reached for when I grabbed my hook. I'm using a "K" Bates hook. (But I really use Bates and Boyes both, I like my Bates set because it has a clay handle on it.) This photo is with half of one sleeve done and it makes me re-think the sleeve. I'm kind of liking the short sleeve. Should I stop here, or should I continue to make it long sleeved? I think I could have shortened the whole thing by like 2".

Here's the back...
Here's the Easter Dress. Chief took the photo for me...
Again, Chief took the photo, here is the shrug with the dress. I still have to put an edging along the front which will close the whole thing up a bit more. I'm planning to put one big button to close it at the bottom, 1.5"? I'd be glad to hear your comments.

Don't forget to read below for my first post of the day.


  1. Your lovely yarn came in the mail today! It's even nicer in person. Thank you so much! Now I just have to decide what to make with it...

  2. I'm liking it! What is that stitch design called? Reminds me of a butterfly.
