Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Toddler Dress Revealed

First, here is the sneak peek:
and this is the finished toddler sized dress in the new issue of Crochet Today Magazine. and, it's ON THE COVER!!! WooHoo! When the website updates, I'll post the link.


  1. CONGRATS ON THE COVER!!! We're doing the woo-hoo dance for you here at Zimmerman castle! What well deserved kudos! Can't wait to get my copy and see what sizes I can make! Have a great day! Haley

  2. Yay!! I love that dress, it's so super cute...I thought it had to be your design when I saw the issue! I'm getting good at knowing my designer styles! lol

  3. How cool!! Congrats!!! Now to wait for my copy....hey...I may be in this one too? LOL!!

  4. Congratulations! Way to go Ellen!! Front cover even! I'm proud of you.


  5. Cute dress! Vickie Howell has the cover of that issue on her blog today! Way to go Ellen!

  6. Love the toddler dress and I know just the toddler who would look adoraable in that. Got to get that mag. And Congratulations on the cover!!

  7. Aww..that is sooo cute! I love it!
