Monday, January 5, 2009

Random thoughts as I design...

Thoughts as I random, with no particular project in mind....

The ultimate in stitch definition is thread. It is totally unforgiving and shows every stitch, every break in gauge every gap. Even weaving in ends is hard to disguise.

It's one thing to make a pattern work.... it's another thing to write it all down in a coherent manner and make it work for multiple sizes.... designers really deserve more money and time for this magic. I often make less than minimum wage per hour on many projects... especially when you factor in design time, and shipping.

I have a pattern in front of me from the 1970's? the 60's? Anyway, there is really very little detail on this pattern "work like the other pieces, making them X inches long". Note, there is no foundation ch count, no "x (x, x, x)". This is interesting because there is a little bit of a difference between knit designers (who get to write less detail in their patterns) and crochet designers (who are pushed to offer more and more detail in their patterns). It makes me wonder what is the trend? Are crocheters going to be able to offer less detail in the future or are knitters going to be pushed to offer more? That's all, just an observation.

The thing with asking for a deadline extension is that it could possibly push back the following projects against their deadlines as well.

These random thoughts make me think of... was it Saturday Night Live that used to have the "Deep Thoughts" thing with who was it? Jack Hanna? is who pops into my mind, but he's the Animal guy, was it Jack Handy?

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