Above is Chickee pondering what to feed her Webkinz. Charlie hugs the computer, he loves it as much as I do. Yes, I'm posting this today, Wednesday morning, but I wrote it late last night. Here is what I was thinking....
Some days, I have big plans. Big plans for what I want to accomplish. Everything from dishes, to writing a book and everything in between. Then, at the end of the day, I look back and see what got accomplished, and what didn't! Today, I got the dishes done. (Don't worry, the dishes always get done eventually.) Today, I finished crocheting a small project that is due Oct 10, but I haven't gotten around to re-editing the pattern yet. Maybe tomorrow? Today, I got 90% done with a submission package of 2 designs that I want to send out tomorrow (or maybe Thursday?). That's actually pretty darn productive for one day. Because in between doing those crochet tasks, I got two kids off to school, went and exercised, went to lunch with a friend, had my SIL (that's "sister-in-law" in computer speak) over for a little who needed to use one of Captain's tools, made lunch for Chief, made dinner for both kids, folded laundry, (but it didn't get put away....) got a shower, printed a few photos, downloaded a few photos, took a few photos, (not in that order!), and helped both kids with homework. Whew. And now, the best part of every day, 10 minutes after the kids go to bed. When they are down, asleep, safe, healthy, and did I mention, asleep?
Wow, Ellen, I'd say you were pretty productive today! I remember those days when the kids were young. Now I still have to make time for crochet and editing patterns, and I never seem to have enough time to accomplish everything I want to do. Especially in the house! It is a never ending job! Keep up the good work!