Friday, September 19, 2008


We have electricity! It came on after dinner last night. I have been busy re-stocking the fridge, doing laundry and dishes. My goodness, I have never been so happy to do chores! I woke up excited about running the garbage disposal! Still, though, we do not have Internet, so I'm at the library right now. The kids went back to school yesterday after 3 days off. Some schools went back Tuesday while still in the dark.

Let me first say, that I really feel for the people truly effected by Hurricane Ike (and Katrina, and Rita, and Gustav....etc). We have a home, we had water, we had stores, gas, ice within driving distance (after the first two days). Still, I am very glad to have electricity again.

I actually have been doing very little crocheting. I did work on a baby afghan and finished a hat. I'll have to do sneak peeks when I get the chance. Really, I spent much of the time reading and trying to occupy the kids. They re-discovered toys, games and books. (imagine that.)

Thanks for hanging in there with me. I'll post again as soon as I can. In the meantime, send me a comment bringing me "up to speed" on what has been going on in your crochet world!


  1. So glad to have you back!! I was getting worried. It is no fun to be without electricity - at least it wasn't cold outside yet. I currently have 5 WIPs going (am restraining myself from starting another!!). One needs only a sleeve to be completed. And I've entered my first item in a local fair. Have you ever done this? I'm excited to see how it does - there were some beautiful things in the fair last year.

  2. Hi Haley! I did enter an item in the local fair two years ago. I got an honorable mention. It was fun, but it was really inconvenient! I think it was a $10 entry fee per item (and first prize was $25) or something silly like that. Still, it was fun to get a ribbon. I don't have a good reason why I haven't done it again, just busy, I guess. Good luck to you!

  3. Hi Ellen,

    I'm glad to hear that you have your electricity back. I have not been in that situation since I've had children, so I can't begin to imagine how difficult it must make things.

    This week I am trying to finish my Sambuca Jacket from "Everyday Crochet", but have just had to rip out one sleeve because the underarm join was wonky and would have always bothered me. It is in a deep teal dk wool and I can't wait to finally block and wear it.

  4. Hi Ellen,

    Correction - I meant to say that the Sambuca Jacket is from Amazing Crochet Lace (not Everyday Crochet) by Doris Chan. I love both books though.
