Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sneak Peek

A tiny sneak peek, if it were bigger, it would show too much! What are you doing today? I've been spending the past few days getting super organized. I guess when I'm in the mood to get organized I should go for it. I've been doing boring tedious tasks like going through my photo files and deleting off photos that don't need to be kept. Deleting files that are old and outdated. I printed out family photos from May, June and July, to get the kids' photo albums back up to date. I balanced the checkbook. As, I think I already said, I got my crochet charts/lists all in agreement. Each of my designs gets a code number (in case I need to invoice it, and for identification) and I title every project. Often, after a design is sold, the editor/buyer re-names my project. So, I go back and write the correct, permanent, new name on the file and put it in it's new alphabetical sequence. I'm more likely to remember the name the buyer gave it, than the dumb name I gave it. "Purple afghan" just doesn't cut for my filing system. So, I went back and re-labeled the stuff that needs to be re-labeled so that I can find it if I need it later. All of which have left me in a nice state of calm. Om. Sending some of my extra calm your way if you need it!

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