Friday, June 13, 2008

TNNA part 5

More hanging out at TNNA. Here is Edie Eckman! An author, knitter and crocheter. I own and love her book "The Crochet Answer Book". See the "favorite books" on the right hand column of the blog page.

Marty Miller and Drew Emborsky! Marty's Spiderweb Cardigan published in Interweave Crochet, Spring 2007 is one of only 2 patterns that I have 'queued' on Ravelry. She also had an awesome twisty scarf on the cover of Interweave Crochet, Fall 2005, and I actually made that one! Drew's a riot! I found myself not just chuckling but ROTFLMAO (Dave, that means 'rolling on the floor laughing my a-- off!). Drew's new word for the tiny complimentary hanks of yarn from Punta yarns had me laughing. (or was I just slap happy by then?) By the way, Punta yarn reps were very kind to this crocheter, thank you! Marty and Drew will both be teaching at 2008 Chain Link in Manchester, NH, next month.

Maureen Basher, crochet designer. Maureen has done some work for Plymouth yarns.
So nice to share a student space in Robyn's class! I'll be keeping an eye out for your name!


  1. OMG!! It looks like so much fun meeting all these fabulous people!! I am sooooooo jealous right now!!! I think I will go and eat a whole cheesecake and see if that makes me feel better!

  2. you've been tagged now too!
