Monday, January 28, 2008

Summer Dreams Sneak Peek

I can't begin to tell you how excited I am about this sneak peek! It is a highlight of my career, right up there with the cover of Crochet Today back in Dec 2006 (and I'm still thrilled about that one!). In a few short months you will get to see the whole thing! I cannot wait!


  1. Oh exciting, can't wait to hear about it!

  2. Then a great big CONGRATS are in order!!! I love these teases! These colors are sooooo my comfort zone. I hope they are the finished product colors!

  3. Thank you both. The yarn is going to change, but the colors will stay the same!

  4. Major congratulations on more success!

    I too love the sneak peaks. Not only do they keep me curious, but it is inspiring to see color combinations in a neat new way when you post those close-up pics.
