Friday, November 16, 2007


WooHoo, I have just sold my 55th design! Wow. I'm so thrilled. It's really, really fun. Now, it feels real. And to celebrate, here's a sneak peek, though the colors are likely to change:


  1. Congrats on "turning 55"!!! This looks amazing - can't wait to see the whole project. Thanks also for the post the other day about becoming a designer - sooo helpful as always! :) Can't wait for all the reveals that are coming. Have a great day!

  2. LOVE IT!
    NIcely done!
    Congrats on your sales!!!

  3. Congratulations!!!!! That is so awesome!!! And I love the sneak peak!

  4. Thanks everyone for the nice comments and for reading the blog! I always get a little jolt of joy when someone leaves a comment, it's like going to your mail box and in the midst of all the bills is a sweet note from a dear friend.
