Thursday, September 13, 2007

Magazine Review: Interweave Crochet Fall

Here it is! Another much anticipated issue of Interweave Crochet I read it all the way through! It is really a nice magazine. I love little things about it like the little one sentence comments about each designer at the end of each pattern. I like the fact that they are putting a little "@" sign if there is more info to be found on the website. (Although, I went to the website and couldn't find any additional's a great idea, I hope they follow through). Boy! Isn't Doris Chan hot right now! She's coming out with her second book, there are designs in this issue from her as well as a profile about her. The cover design is by Robyn Chachula, and if you haven't heard of her, you must not be listening, because she has been all over lately! She has several patterns that have been in Crochet Today in addition to being profiled in the same magazine, I saw a photo of her in ad for Knit and Crochet Today on PBS, so apparently she will be on an upcoming episode. You can find her website and blog at

There is a broomstick lace patterned ponchette that it very interesting by Kate Pullen on p. 44. The ads are even beautiful. The design that I am mostly likely to actually do is the Overlay Felted Tote by Jennifer Hagan on p. 84. I love a great bag. I like garments too, but I admit that I'm not the best at caring for my gentle crocheted fabrics, and I don't often have the time to invest in a garment designed by someone else, but bags are a possibility!

Overall, if I ever get a design published in this magazine, I will feel that I have "made it" as a crochet designer.

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