Saturday, September 8, 2007

Knit and Crochet Today Show on PBS

There is much buzz going on about the new Knit and Crochet Today show on PBS. Many PBS stations are carrying it, and many aren't. You'll have to check the website, go to station finder, put in your zip code, and check the program schedule. If your station does not carry it, consider e-mailing them and asking for it! Remember to put in your e-mail if you belong to a guild in your area (multiple people would like the show!).

One of the stations in my area does carry it, but I went ahead and sent an e-mail to the other one that doesn't carry it. I also asked them to start carrying NeedleArts Studio with Shay Pendray. I'll have to find you a link.

Anyway, I was able to WATCH! the premiere episode of Knit and Crochet Today, that was on yesterday in my area. I was so excited! I sat right in front of the TV just like a 4 year old watching Scooby Doo. (Hmm, that sounds familiar...) First, I am just thrilled to have a fiber arts show, and doubly thrilled to have one with "Crochet" in the title. With that said. It was OK. Cassie DePaiva, was the host, and she seemed a little silly. They had a knit designer on who led a project and then Brett Bara from Crochet Today magazine led the Crochet project. (Photo above) that had been in the February 2007 issue of Crochet Today. (Sorry, I forgot to look up the designer) and I'm sorry that they didn't mention the designer's name on the show either! (disappointment!). I was worried that the show would just be a huge commercial for the yarns used, but they didn't even mention the brand/style of yarn used, just the fiber content (yay for them!) But when I went to the website to see if they had posted the projects/details/materials/instructions, I couldn't find it! (Boo for them!).

The theme of the show was felting and they had many great tips (yay for them!)
Overall, I enjoyed the show, and already have it programmed to record again next week. I understand that there is a learning curve for everything, and hopefully Cassie won't seem so clueless next week. I do appreciate the "star power" she brings to the show. (She is on a Soap Opera, One Life to Live, I think, on ABC)

And of course, I'm thrilled for Crochet! I am a little disappointed that crochet has to share the show with knit, after all, Knit has Knitty Gritty. Knitty Gritty (DIY network) is a great show, and I watch it often, but it's 99% knit. I wish Crochet had the same parity.

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