Tuesday, September 11, 2007

60 Scarves progress

Red Scarf Project

OFA's 2008 Red Scarf Project is officially underway. Knitters who wish to send a unique message of support for foster youth via their colorful handmade creations can send in scarves to OFA between September 1 and October 15, 2007. Visit our Red Scarf Page http://www.orphan.org/index.php?id=40 for latest information and guidelines.
A Great Charitable Knitting Initiative Provides Warmth and Encouragement to Foster Youth
In 2005, OFA launched a unique initiative to send warmth and encouragement to college-bound foster youth. We began taking donations of handmade red scarves to put into our Valentine's Day Care Packages.

I found this group last year, but didn't get around to it, but I remembered the group and thought, I would like to send my scarf to them... I'm talking about Crocheting With Dee's 60 Scarves in 60 Days Challenge http://crochetingwithdee.com/

I think I like this Orphan Foundation of America because they serve older kids. I tend to feel that the older kids are under served. It's easier to donate items of little kids because smaller children outgrow items quicker, they are still in good condition. The littlest ones pull at our heartstrings with their little faces. But what about the older kids? With perhaps a tough exterior, a kid who has had to endure circumstances that have made them perhaps weary, perhaps cautious, perhaps suspicious of the world. Wouldn't it be great to reach out to them and show them a little softness, a little kindness?
Yes, I think this is where I am going to send my scarf (scarves?) So, the lavender one that I started might have to go to Chickee, (I'm sure when she sees it, she'll want it anyway) and I'll go through my stash for some Red yarn and some neutrals to go with it. If you are interested, follow the link above to find all the particulars about the organization, their needs, and their specific requests for the scarves.
Note that their deadline is October 15th, I'd better get moving!

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